Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Last Spike

Completion of the Pacific Railroad




This is the actual newspaper piece from the The Hancock Jeffersonian in Ohio 1869


The long and anxiously looked-for event, the connection of the Atlantic seaboard to the golden shores of the Pacific, was finally accomplished at noon to-day. The ever memorable ceremony, was witnessed by the principal officers of both companies and about two hundred invited guests. Among them were Generals Connor and Thrie, II. C. Nottingham, Superintendent of the Cleveland and Erie, and Governor, Stanford of Arizona. The entire number of employes and guests did not probably exceed one thousand. 

After exchanging congratulations, while the laborers of the Union Pacific and Chinamen of the Central were employed in arranging the tracks for the last rail, and before proceeding with this ceremony, the Rev. Dr. Todd offered up a prayer, asking the favor of Heaven upon the enterprise.

This was followed by the speech of Dr. Harkne's, of California, in presenting Governor Stanford with the spike of gold. This was replied to by Governor Stanford in a few appropriate remarks. 

Governor Stanford then presented a similar spike to the officers of the Union Pacific Railroad. The response was made by General Dodge. 

Then the two last rails were laid, opposite each other. Wires were so arranged that the City Hall bell at San Francisco was struck at every stroke of the hammer, and the last stroke discharged cannon connected at San Francisco in electrical circuit. The lines east were also placed in connection, to report every stroke at Omaha, Chicago, New York and Boston. 

About 12 o'clock the work of driving the last spike commenced, amid the deafening shouts of the multitude. In less than two minutes the great continental highway from ocean to ocean was an accomplished fact.

Buy a reproduction map of the Union Pacific Railroad -

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